FORLOOP is more than a consulting firm. We are an “outsourced” in-house team of experts who work with clients to take the journey together.

After several years working as consultants, we knew there was a different and better way of delivering value. Especially seeing consultants coming in at a high cost and remaining independent of the eventual outcome and imprint of their work. Often they were inflexible to change, when change occurred, it was always at additional cost.

Forloop saw a way to bring leadership and expertise into the organization while being client-centred and value-driven. Out of this seed, grew the unique way of collaborating with clients, to take the journey together, to understand their needs and work with them all the way.

Today, Forloop are valued for advising, managing and steering major programs of work for large-scale clients in Australia and overseas. From its surprising genesis, in the midst of the dot-com crash in late 1999, to the fast expansion of our team thanks to a major program for HP in the US, and now to a two-way global partnership with Red Hat, the global leader in enterprise software, we are excited about what the future can be for clients.

Our spirit remains the same: to seek opportunities to do things better for our clients, wherever they are in the world.

Our Values


• We’re constantly searching for better ways of doing things

• We test and question commonly held assumptions

• We’re creative and forward thinking

• We provide smart, innovative solutions that inspire positive change


• We take initiative and get things done

• We’re flexible and outcome driven

• We anticipate and manage change well

• We design solutions that add value to business


• We’re flexible and work with you, not just for you

• We’re honest and trustworthy in what we say and do

• We listen to you and work with you to design the best solution for you

• You can trust in our credibility, capability & partnership to deliver


• We believe in what we do

• We value our unique abilities, skills and talents

• We’re proud of our work and the clients and vendors we partner with• We use our knowledge and expertise in a constructive way

Guiding Principles

• Be honest in our relationships

• Be unlimited in our mindset

• Be confident in our expertise

• Always look for opportunities to realize value